It is often said that our desires are endless. When one gets fulfilled, the other one crops up! There is nothing wrong with this though, cause all the discoveries, progress, etc. that we see around, are actually a result of the limitless desires of the human kind. Goals justify the means to achieve something. If you have a positive plan of action and definite goals to fulfill, it will help you grow and at the same time help you work for the betterment of others.
“Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything.” – Scott Reed
We all aim for professional as well as personal development in life. For the simple reason that we want the best of both worlds. We want to be successful workers and at the same time wish to have a loving partner, happy children and satisfied parents. Self improvement and achieving these goals become easier, if we are able to define exactly what we want.
Personal Goals in Life
A man’s personal life includes – his immediate family, his neighborhood, the society and the country he lives in and most importantly the man himself. The goals that he sets to improve his personal life, will one way or the other, affect any or all of these. Here are some long and short-term examples of personal goals that one can set in their life.
Health Goals
I want to lose/gain X amount of weight by X date. I will exercise every day. I will not eat junk food. I will take care of my family and myself for achieving and sustaining optimum health and wellness.
Intellectual/Creative Goals
I will pursue my hobbies (reading, painting, dancing, etc.) along with my work. For this, I will devote one hour every day. I plan to learn a foreign language. I will spend some time to improve my writing and speaking skills. I plan to create my own blog and provide useful content to my readers.
Spiritual Goals
I will meditate for fifteen minutes every day, for my peace of mind. I will go to church every Sunday. I’ll volunteer my services to my church every week.
Societal Goals
I will live my life ethically. I will not do anything which makes me feel guilty. I will not lie, steal, gossip or hurt anybody. I will pay my taxes on time. I’ll abide by all social and moral rules.
Family Goals
I will respect, love and stay committed to my spouse. I will spend quality time with my children every day. I will make it a point to attend all the parent’s day, sports events, annual function at school, for my children. I’ll teach my children something worthwhile that will help them in every stage of their lives.
Personal Goals at Work
In today’s world, a person is considered successful, only if he earns well or occupies a good position at his workplace. If you wish to have a great work life, it is important for you to set certain boundaries at work. You should know your priorities well and then set realistic goals. Be clear with what you want and learn to delegate some tasks to others to balance your personal and professional life in a better way. Here are some examples of short and long-term personal goals that are important for your professional development.
I will reach the position of X in Y years.
I’ll utilize my knowledge and abilities and work hard to achieve success.
I will earn X amount of money by the time I become Y years old and for this I will develop my negotiation skills.
I’ll perform my tasks with responsibility, commitment and honesty.
I’ll abide by the company’s rules and regulations and handle my tasks to meet the expectations of my organization.
I will manage my time better by planning everything in advance.
I will communicate with my colleagues, subordinates and seniors, with openness.
I will try to be patient with my subordinates and encourage them to enhance their problem solving skills. I will be aware of the new trends and developments in the industry I work for and continue to upgrade my skills, whenever required. Employee training will always be a priority.
I’ll motivate my juniors to formulate and come up with new and innovative ideas.
I will upgrade my management skills, communication skills, decision-making skills, etc.
The above examples are only for your reference. You have to set your own personal and professional goals, according to your priorities in life. Only setting goals are not enough, you have to stay focused, be persistent and determined, and inculcate positive thinking, if you want to attain them and be successful. All the best!